Perfecting your interview skills

Perfecting your interview skills

Perfecting your interview skills natashabekker


About a 2 minute read.

Successfully navigating an interview is a skill, but for many, it can be a daunting experience. However, like any skill, interview skills can be trained and developed. Preparing for every part of the interview will assist in making you a successful candidate.

Below are some important tips that will help with interviewing;

Prepare – Doing research into the company you are interviewing with is imperative. It shows a level of commitment to the employer and allows you to tailor your answers accordingly. Also, using online mediums, explore the possible questions that might be asked and prepare appropriate answers. It might help to role play with someone so you can get instant feedback.

Look the part – A candidate once attended an interview in beach shorts and flip flops because the dress code said, “smart casual”. On paper, he was a good fit, but his appearance meant he was not offered the role. Bearing in mind that interviewers form an opinion about you within seconds of meeting you, it is important that your dress code speaks well of you. It will also give you a confidence boost. Once again, it might help to get a second opinion of your chosen outfit.

Control your nerves – This is easier said than done. Interviewers can sense nerves from a handshake or tone of greeting. A firm handshake while maintaining eye contact will dispel any notion of nerves. Controlling your nerves will also allow you to give the best account of yourself. Pausing before answering questions, taking deep breaths, and asking for clarification are good techniques for overcoming nerves.

Be Professional – Employers go out of their way to make sure the interview is conducted in a relaxed manner. However, this is not an invitation for informal behaviour. For example, swearing in an interview is a complete no-no. Remember you are still making an impression, so it is very important that you conduct yourself in the way you would like to be remembered. Also, bad mouthing a previous or current employer does not sit well with interviewers. It shows you will have no problem doing the same in future if employed by the company in question.

Ask questions – It is vital to ask questions as it shows a keenness to understand the company/role better. Also, asking questions places the onus on the interviewer to sell the role and the company to you.

There are other factors that determine interview success i.e. experience, compensation etc., however, it should not deter you from giving the best account of yourself and leaving an impression.

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