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Huge Mistake Job Seekers make! natashabekker

Huge Mistake Job Seekers make!

We are all human, therefore destined to make mistakes !

Anyone looking for a job will tell you that job searching is hard work!

Between the JobSite, Recruiters and all the applications send to employers directly,  that don’t return your calls or emails and employers who shift direction mid-interview, even the most seasoned business professional can take a hit to their self confidence.

Some people hate the idea of networking – they don’t want to “bother” their friends, contacts, family and peers.

Some feel like they would just rather keep their job search private and don’t want too many people to know or lest it get back to their current employer that they are looking for a job.

People do business with poeple they know and trust!  Even with a great CV it can be hard to get noticed in the piles and piles of applicants.

When you “network” your way into a potential job, getting an introduction or recommendation improves your chances of getting an interview of over 70%

Once you start networking, you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your job search results will pick up!

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