Ten Interview Mistakes To Avoid!

Ten Interview Mistakes To Avoid!

Ten Interview Mistakes To Avoid! natashabekker

Ten Interview Mistakes To Avoid!

1. Being rude to the receptionist, security guard and other support staff you meet at the venue.

2. Lying about anything on your CV or experience.

3. Sitting down before invited. It is common courtesy to wait to be seated by interviewer.

4. Being too relaxed. Interviewers are not your friends, no matter how comfortable you feel around them keep it formal.

5. Crossing the line between self-assurance and arrogance. Dominating the interview by being overly aggressive or over confident.

6. Not reading up before showing up. Being clueless about the company or asking questions you can find on their website.

7. Ignoring certain people on an interview panel by directing your attention to one particular interviewer or the highest-ranking person on the panel.

8. Trashing your previous/current employer and colleagues.

9. Not asking questions when given a chance.

10. Oversharing – talking about your hectic social life, divorce, boyfriend, mother-in law. etc.

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