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Qualification levels in South Africa natashabekker

Qualification levels in South Africa

We hope the below will help you with qualification levels.

Matric (National Senior Certificate): NQF level 4
Higher Certificate (Extended programme): NQF level 5
National Diploma & Advanced Certificates: NQF level 6
Bachelors Degree & B-Tech/Advanced Diploma: NQF level 7
Honours Degree & Postgraduate Diploma: NQF level 8
Masters Degree: NQF level 9
PhD/DSc/DComm/DA/DEng & DTech: NQF level 10

How to become indispensable at work this year. natashabekker

How to become indispensable at work this year.

[Photo: Ángel León/Unsplash]

Virtually every office has one: that employee who is the go-to contact and seems to know everything and everyone. The office can’t run without her. No one wants to think about what would happen if he ever left.

Being such a critical part of the team has a number of benefits, including a measure of job security. But those indispensable team members don’t get just that way through arbitrary means. If you want to join their ranks, here are seven ways to get there.


Elite athletes are constantly trying to improve their performance. They fine-tune the details that allow them to compete at the highest level—and that practice holds some valuable lessons for people who are trying to become exceptional at their jobs, says Porter Braswell, cofounder and CEO of Jopwell, a technology platform that helps black, Latino, and Native American students and professionals unlock opportunities for career advancement.

“What I mean by that is not the ability to run fast, jump high, and all the other physical attributes that come with being an athlete. But more of the tactical, being a good teammate, communicating well, knowing how to work hard, being disciplined, being able to multitask—all the things that come with that athletic mind-set. Competing: That’s the mind-set one has to be in before I believe they can perform well,” Braswell says.


You may get regular feedback and a performance review from your supervisor, but it’s also important to do your own regular review to ensure you’re on track with your own goals and expectations, says Carolyn Birsky, founder of Compass Maven, a Cambridge, Massachusetts, coaching firm. Keep track of your accomplishments, training, feedback, projects, and overall numbers related to your job. We often think we’ll remember all of these things, but it’s easy to forget pieces here and there, she says.

Then, periodically and honestly review your progress, set new goals, and look at what it’s going to take to get to your next milestone, she says. These self-checks can help you ensure you’re keeping on track with your own career development and shore up areas that may need improvement. This practice will also keep you ready for the next time you’re up for a promotion.

“One of the mistakes employees often make is forgetting to hold those all together in some sort of file. That can be some of your best leverage to put your case forward and say, ‘This is why I think should be promoted. This is what makes me really good at what I do,’” she says.


As you set your new goals, look at the metrics that are going to matter and include them as part of your plan, Birsky says. Whether it’s bumping up a sales quota or improving efficiency or cost controls in your business unit by a certain margin, be sure to look for positive measures to which you can contribute and how you can be most productive in contributing to them. Companies value employees who are focused on finding ways to raise the performance bar.


It’s also a good idea to ensure that the areas you’re prioritizing in your career and development are consistent with what the company values, says licensed therapist and career coach Jessica Sweet. You may have a sense of what’s important to the company, but it’s essential to actually be clear that your efforts are moving initiatives forward that the company cares about, she says.

“I would be looking at what the company’s goals are for 2018, and be looking at how my skills and experience align with those goals, and how I can set myself up on any projects that are going on, to add the most value to those upcoming projects,” she says.


When employees are afraid to show that they’re imperfect or they don’t know something, it gets in the way of their performance, Birsky says. Learning how to effectively communicate with your boss and team, including asking questions and ensuring that you fully understand assignment instructions and ask questions when you don’t is essential to ensuring you’re performing in the best possible way for your company.

Beyond that, ask for opportunities to get better. “Be vocal to your boss about the fact that you are open to learning. Ask for opportunities to collaborate with another team, or be vocal about your ideas, or you might see a training [you need to get better]. Make your case for it,” she says.


Ownership is essential to being invaluable, says Andy Chan, founder of Seattle-based career coaching center Prime Opt. Take ownership of your work—whether it’s a project assignment or even a simple spreadsheet. Think about it in terms of the bigger picture of the company and what its goals are. When you take full responsibility and apply strategic thinking to your work, you’re immediately supporting your supervisor and team in a new and more valuable way. “Every time, when it comes to you learning new skills, it actually opens up a conversation for you to ask for a raise or a promotion,” he says. So, think about what you can take ownership of in your work environment, and treat your work as if you own the company and are acting in its best interest.


One of the most important things you can do to be indispensable to your boss is to help them excel, Braswell says. People value those who help them do their jobs better.

“Really get in the mind-set of the person you’re working for or alongside and really figure out, ‘What are they trying to achieve?’” he says. “Through having an understanding of what they’re trying to achieve and having the context, you can then say to them, ‘What can I be doing to help you achieve that goal?’” Once you know where you fit in and exactly the metrics on which you should be focused, you can rank or prioritize your efforts on those tasks and initiatives, he says.


Gwen Moran writes about business, money and assorted other topics for leading publications and web sites. She was named a Small Business Influencer Awards Top 100 Champion in 2015, 2014, and 2012 and is the co-author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Business Plans (Alpha, 2010), and several other books.




by Zoe Merson-Davies #Tips #Interview

What colour to wear for your upcoming job interview?? How do I choose the right colours and what do those colour choices mean?

For first job interviews, as a general rule, it is recommended that you wear conservative colours such as navy blue, mid to dark gray, black or brown, in a suit (for both men and women) or a classic dress for women. Choose any of these conservative colours with a white, off-white or pastel blouse or shirt to soften the look, and add an accent of colour to add energy and personality – for men this accent colour will be in their tie, while for women it will be in their jewellery or a scarf.

Medium to dark colours are most business-like, authoritative and conservative and usually the best option for job interviews.

Lighter colours are friendlier and less threatening, but they lack power.

The more serious and high-powered the position you are applying for, the darker and more conservative the choice of colour should be.

The following is a list of colours and their meanings – read this list to find which colour or colours communicate the messages you wish to send out to your interviewer. Choose a base colour such as dark blue, gray or black, for example, and add accents of colour to show some of your personality.

NAVY BLUE is probably the best option for first job interviews as it elicits a positive response from most interviewers. It is a professional colour which adds an impression of authority, confidence, trust, honesty, loyalty, stability, reliability and credibility. Many bosses see it as the colour of the team player.

GREY gives an impression of sophistication and professionalism. While it is a strong and powerful colour, it is non-confrontational and does not distract – and it is less intimidating than black. Always add another colour accent (not gray), in your tie, scarf or jewellery if you choose grey for a suit or dress.

BLACK is a powerful and authoritarian colour that can be seen as sophisticated or intimidating. It is associated with strength and leadership and is a good choice for an interview in the legal sector – otherwise, use it as an accent colour in a tie or scarf or jewellery. Although many young people love wearing black, they need to realize that wearing black is intimidating and aggressive and may cause the interviewer to become defensive. It can also put a barrier between them and the interviewer. At the same time, wearing some black can add confidence to an applicant who is a little unsure of them self.

BROWN gives the impression that you are confident, dependable, reliable and flexible, but it can also be seen as dated and old-fashioned. It is a friendly and approachable colour that works well for many industrial job interviews.

WHITE suggests simplicity, organization and cleanliness. It is a great choice for a shirt or blouse to go with a navy, grey, black or brown suit.

RED is over-powering and attention-seeking and not suitable to wear to an interview except as an accent colour. It exudes energy, passion and confidence as well as aggression, arrogance and anger. Use sparingly, especially for a first interview!

MAROON or BURGUNDY or WINE-COLOUR is an acceptable form of red for a woman’s suit but not as good as navy, gray or black.

GREEN, YELLOW, PURPLE and ORANGE are distracting and memorable colours that are more suitable to creative or media jobs. Use these colours carefully as they don’t always elicit a positive response in job interviews. Green is sometimes viewed negatively as an untrustworthy colour, while orange can look unprofessional and cheap. Yellow and purple are associated with unusual creative types and often not liked by older males. Use these colours very sparingly for job interviews, if at all.

Women tend to react more positively to blue based colours, such as deep blue-reds, most blues, blue-greys, most pinks, and blue-greens. Use these colours when being interviewed by a female.

To men, the yellow based colours are more attractive. True reds and orange reds, peachy-apricot along with most blues are best. Use these colours if being interviewed by a male, but only in small quantities and as an accent colour.

BLUE is the most universally liked colour, and it creates a positive response from both men and women. It is the safest colour to use for job interviews as it is conservative and non-confrontational and loved universally by men and women in most cultures.

Ten Interview Mistakes To Avoid! natashabekker

Ten Interview Mistakes To Avoid!

Ten Interview Mistakes To Avoid!

1. Being rude to the receptionist, security guard and other support staff you meet at the venue.

2. Lying about anything on your CV or experience.

3. Sitting down before invited. It is common courtesy to wait to be seated by interviewer.

4. Being too relaxed. Interviewers are not your friends, no matter how comfortable you feel around them keep it formal.

5. Crossing the line between self-assurance and arrogance. Dominating the interview by being overly aggressive or over confident.

6. Not reading up before showing up. Being clueless about the company or asking questions you can find on their website.

7. Ignoring certain people on an interview panel by directing your attention to one particular interviewer or the highest-ranking person on the panel.

8. Trashing your previous/current employer and colleagues.

9. Not asking questions when given a chance.

10. Oversharing – talking about your hectic social life, divorce, boyfriend, mother-in law. etc.

Employers! Recruiters! Helpful Tips for advertising your Jobs on our site. natashabekker

Employers! Recruiters! Helpful Tips for advertising your Jobs on our site.

Employers! Recruiters!

Helpful TIPS for advertising your JOBS on our web-based Job site Recruitment Web:

1.Register as an Employer ;
2. Follow the process and create a Company Profile with your Company logo, email and contact details; (We can assist you in setting this up).
3. Link your Company profile to your own company’s website, so potential job seekers can see what you are about.
4. Link to your company social media sites to easily share your job adverts.
5. Choose the FREE advertising option (7days) or opt for a paid option.
and start creating your Job Advert!
No contracts! No Strings attached!
6. Ensure you provide as much relevant detail about the Job and the specific requirements you have and are looking for in the candidate;
6. We do screen the adverts and will advise you how to make changes to your profile and advert to make it more effective;
Now go an upload your Job Adverts on


Job Seekers ! Helpful TIPS for uploading your information on our Job Site! 150 150 natashabekker

Job Seekers ! Helpful TIPS for uploading your information on our Job Site!

Job Seekers ! Helpful TIPS for uploading your information on our web-based Job Site: 

1. Ensure you register as a Candidate;
2. Follow the process as accurately as possible;
3. Don’t rush the process, deliver the quality of information that represents you;
4. Keep your information relevant and skills based;
5. Ensure you provide as much relevant detail as possible;
6. We do screen your information and will advise you how to make changes to make your profile more effective;
7. Poor quality profiles are NOT attractive and will make it difficult for potential employers and recruiters to contact you for relevant Jobs;
8. Check your Spelling, use of Capitals and overall presentation of Information – Full Names = Name AND Surname;
9. Effort = Results
10. Take Job Seeking seriously – a good attitude leads to possibilities;
11. Sell yourself with the skills that you offer, NOT cliche’s e.g. Hardworking, loyal, honest – everybody says that!!
12 – you know what makes you unique!!
13. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare. Have confidence!!
Now go an upload your profile

7 Tricks to achieve the best results in Sales 150 150 natashabekker

7 Tricks to achieve the best results in Sales

Let’s face it, sales can be downright rough and dirty if you don’t know how to play the game. When most people think of salespeople, they picture some sophisticated brute trying to shove whatever-it-is-they’re-hawking down your throat.

And while that may be true for some people in sales, these seven little tricks will help you achieve the best results in sales, while avoiding all that unwanted sales stigma. There are many ways to be a great salesperson without being pushy and providing your customers with a quality sales experience.

1. Learn the Psychology of Selling

As a salesperson you really have to get into your customers’ heads if you want to truly understand what makes them tick, or better yet, what makes them buy.

2. Reframe the Value of Your Sale

It’s amazing how much difference it makes when you convey the same message in a different way. In sales, this is achieved by reframing the value of your sale to make it more enticing to your customers.

3. Give Your Customers a Sense of Exclusivity

Raise your hand if you like feeling as if you belong exclusively to a club or clique. Humans form groups for a host of different reasons, going back to our hunter-gatherer days. Today, most of us stick to our tribes, however fractured we as a collective may be overall. This sentiment also plays into your customers and how they want to “be sold” on something.

4. Think ‘Labels’

As much as people express their dismay at being labeled, we all label ourselves in some way so as to be noticed by others that are like them. Just like brands, people’s individual, or “internal” (self-imposed), labels are important to their unique identities.

5. Share Any Testimonials

When it comes to purchasing, many consumers tend to be wary of spending their money, particularly if they don’t need it. So how to you sell something to someone who doesn’t think they need anything? Knowing that there are others out there that find the product or service you’re selling as “invaluable” goes a long way for skeptical consumers.

6. Use a Sense of Urgency

When you use a sense of urgency in communicating your message to customers, it’s been shown that they are more prone to take action.

7. Develop Your Competitive Edge

In today’s marketplace, competition is stiff. So what’s a salesperson to do? Since you’re unlikely to stand out in these crowded waters, you need to know who you’re up against and what you need to gain the competitive edge.

See the full article on www.spiro.ia


How to Get Over the 6 Most Common Sales Fears 150 150 natashabekker

How to Get Over the 6 Most Common Sales Fears

People usually don’t go into sales because it’s easy. And if someone does take a sales job because they believe that it’s a stress-free way to make money, they quickly learn that that’s rarely the case. Sales comes with all sorts of challenges, but can be a great and lucrative career for anybody who’s willing to push through, focus, and work hard.

Many people who go into sales experience anxieties and fears about some of the things they have to deal with. These fears are common, but can make the difference between success and failure.

Here are the most common fears in sales and how to get over them:

1. Fear of calling

Some people are intimidated by picking up the phone throughout the day and reaching out to prospects. This usually stems from shyness, or the desire to not “bother” people. But it’s also a deal-breaker when it comes to sales. To get over this fear, you need to simply prepare yourself for the call and then force yourself to do it enough times where the fear wears off. After making enough calls, and understanding that even if a call goes poorly that it won’t kill you, it won’t be intimidating anymore, and will become second nature.

2. Fear of rejection

This is a powerful fear that extends far beyond sales for most people. We fear rejection from friends, potential dates, and from clients. In sales, the best way to get over this fear is to expect rejection and understand that it’s simply a part of the process. This means management should help new hires understand that they will be rejected.

3. Fear of asking for the business

This fear is somewhat tied to the fear or rejection. We have long discussions with prospects, but too many salespeople will allow a conversation to run its course without putting the prospect to a decision and directly asking them for their business, otherwise known as closing. The best way to get over this fear is to realize that asking for the business is your job.

 4. Fear of missing quota

One of the reasons why sales is so stressful is because you always have a quota looming over you. And in most cases, missing this quota means less (or no) money in your pocket, and even the potential of losing your job. The way to tackle this fear is simply working as hard as you can.

5. Fear of pushing past no

This is one of the hardest fears for salespeople to get over, but if you think an initial “no” means there’s no chance of closing the deal, you’ll be leaving a lot of money on the table. Of course, you don’t want to cross the line into annoyance or harassment, but hearing “no” should open up the opportunity to overcome objections.

6. Fear of using new technology

Salespeople are so busy and so focused on selling that adding new technologies to their processes can be intimidating and daunting.

Visit www.spiro.ia for the Full article more links like these

Huge Mistake Job Seekers make! natashabekker

Huge Mistake Job Seekers make!

We are all human, therefore destined to make mistakes !

Anyone looking for a job will tell you that job searching is hard work!

Between the JobSite, Recruiters and all the applications send to employers directly,  that don’t return your calls or emails and employers who shift direction mid-interview, even the most seasoned business professional can take a hit to their self confidence.

Some people hate the idea of networking – they don’t want to “bother” their friends, contacts, family and peers.

Some feel like they would just rather keep their job search private and don’t want too many people to know or lest it get back to their current employer that they are looking for a job.

People do business with poeple they know and trust!  Even with a great CV it can be hard to get noticed in the piles and piles of applicants.

When you “network” your way into a potential job, getting an introduction or recommendation improves your chances of getting an interview of over 70%

Once you start networking, you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your job search results will pick up!

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